Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Easy lemon-hummus salad dressing

I'm going to let you in on one of my secrets. The easiest way for me to make sure that I'm eating right throughout a busy week is to take an hour on Sunday to clean, chop, and cook different ingredients for salads. I then throw them into containers, and assemble my salads the night before work. It's a great way to ensure that you're eating your veggies and reduces brown bag lunches to an assembly line.

I like to make my own dressings at the same time, too. I tend to like things spicier/lemonier/pepperier than jarred dressings, so it's just easier that way.

This is one of my favorites.

A heaping tablespoon of hummus.

Another of nonfat Greek yogurt...

Juice of half a lemon.

Smoked sweet paprika from my favorite spice shop...

Salt and freshly cracked black pepper.


Remember, this is YOUR dressing. Make it any way you want. Add more lemon. Less paprika. Pump up the hummus. No matter what, sneaking in the Greek yogurt will pump up the protein a bit!

Happy salad-eating!

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